

It is a condition that precedes just before the start of execution.

It’s used to know what precedes the established steps to better understand the context of a test case.

Test cases

Repository of steps for quality testing application features.

The goal is to have a documentation of the way in which the application should work, and based on them do quality tests to detect errors and implement improvements.

Test Plans

Repository for the best organization of the application's test cases to carry out quality tests.

The function within the application is to be able to organize the test cases by sections, versions, and internal procedures of the application.

Test Cycles

Repository of Test Cases and Test Plans with a shortcut for their execution.

The function within the application is to be able to select the Test Cases and Test Plans for their execution step by step.

Test Executions

It’s the actual implementation of a test cycle, where a QA engineer performs the steps declared in the test cases and determines if the execution was successful or not